I am in the midst of a day of Emo. We get our birthdays off of work. Me and my giant belly are at a coffee shop enjoying a rainy day. In a few weeks it will be a hassle to do anything by myself so I'm going to take advantage today.
Funny enough, there's a group of older women at the table next to me discussing content strategy (a big part of what I do for a living) non-stop. One thinks blogs are aptly named because they're all "blah, blah, blah." One just writes a blog because they drive traffic to her site. One is discussing her "professionally designed site" like it's a designer purse ("I had mine professionally designed by so-and-so. He's not taking on anymore work right now."). They all would like their sites optimized for mobile and tablet and are discussing the best ways to send mass emails.
Kenny started a new job at a great place this week. Several months ago when he raised the idea of quitting his job to go to the Startup Institute, I was supportive and a little nervous. It drives me crazy when people are unhappy but refuse to do anything about it. It's also a bit terrifying to lose an income. Thankfully, it all looks like it was the right move. We're both breathing a bit of a sigh of relief.
Eli continues to be hilarious and exhausting. The three of us drive home from work and school each day and if Kenny or I try to open our doors, he says, "Wait. Listen for directions! I'm going to choose who opens the door. I choose, ummm..." Everything is a race and if he makes it to a door first he says, "I win. Third place!" He likes to "cuddle up with mommy (not daddy)." He holds hands with and hugs all of his friends at school. Especially a few of the girls.
Baby girl is rowdy and much more into changing positions than Eli ever was. You can watch her butt flip from side to side of my belly. I'm giant. I was bigger at 36 weeks than I was at 41 with Eli (verified through the thorough collection of belly photos). For the most part, I've still been able to sleep so far. Getting comfortable is not easy, but I haven't been crazy about staying on my left side like I was last time. We met with our doula last week, and I brought my Hypnobirthing book with me today. I have good intentions about reading it. The other day the midwife said that it was my intentions that matter. It's okay to gain 6 pounds in 10 days as long as I have good intentions about eating and exercise.
We've done a pretty good job on the nesting front. Kenny got a bee in his bonnet last week to try to kill the to do list before today. He got most of it done. I've been most concerned about getting everything washed and put away. Kenny's been fixing all of the little things around the house that need fixing. I'm not totally sure what we're doing with the dogs or Eli when I go into labor, but we've got some loose ideas.
I'm full term tomorrow but trying to not get to anxious for labor to come. It would be good for Kenny to get a few more weeks of work under his belt for before taking off. And I'm trying to enjoy pregnancy (if that's even a thing) since it's probably my last. I know I'll miss feeling her wiggle around in there. And soon I'll just be fat instead of adorable ;-).