So far she's been a pretty easy baby. She sleeps a ridiculous amount through the night and takes good long naps during the day. She'll nap in her swing, on me on the couch or in a carrier.
She nurses like a champ and has been doing the growing to prove it. She'd lost just 5% of her birth weight in the hospital and had gained it all back and then some by her doc appointment at 1 week. I measured her yesterday and she's gained at least 2.5 inches in length since birth. Most newborn stuff is too small on her.
She has 5 to 10 minute periods of awake/alert/happy times throughout the day. She enjoys looking at posters and started smiling at people two weeks ago. Her changing table is her favorite place in the house.
On Tuesday she was an angry baby who demanded lots of Ergo time (and lots of walking from Mama). I was afraid it was to be our new normal, but she's back to being pleasant yesterday and today.
Sibling relations have been pretty great. Eli adores her. He wants to show baby sister how he does everything. When she's crying he'll tell me he thinks she's hungry or thinks she wants me. He has had a few problems at school and ploys for attention at home, but there are quite a few changes going on for a little 4-year-old boy to handle.
The transition from one to two babies has been easier than the transition from zero to one though I keep getting freak illnesses. I got PUPPPs right after her birth and for a couple of weeks after. Then I got a bad allergy attack or a cold. Then I got an ear infection and ruptured ear drum. Then the PUPPPs or some other hives came back with a vengeance. I've been trying to take it easier and amcurrently well (knock on wood).
I'm loving my time home with her. We go on walks, go shopping, go visit Daddy for lunch, have mommy dates with other mommies and watch lots and lots of TV (AKA nursing and napping). I take about a thousand pictures of her a day because how could you not?
She's super noisy. She's sleeping in her swing right now and it sounds like a puppy growling during a tug-of-war game over there.