Friday, December 31, 2010
The Universe
It has been an interesting year to say the least, but our joke has turned into more of a mantra for us. Every time we need something it will show up. Even if we don't know we need it, or just started to think about needing something we will find a cheap solution.
For example when Eli was starting to want to both stand and play the Universe sent us a play table. Well ok, it was a Hanukkah gift from my Aunt Jane. When we needed some new books to read to Eli some Dr. Seuss books showed up at Aldi's. When our family outgrew our family bed we found a way to redesign our room. I could go on and on about the fates and our friends and family that have knowingly or unknowingly helped us this year.
I have been thinking a lot about all of this. I know its all kinda over done and end of the year reflective, but it happens. I feel very blessed. I feel very lucky. I also had one thought that I wanted to pass on to everyone. Don't believe in New Years Resolutions. Instead just be a better person. Do things that make you and others feel good. Try to relax and let the Universe take care of your needs. Everything happens for a reason. Here's to a great 2011!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Ten months going on two years
Note the intense sorrow that befell him when the toy was taken away.
Trying to pull it together.
Okay, you can have it back.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A crib was one of the first things we got when we began the nesting process. I really thought you needed a crib for a baby. Who knew? When he was younger we did transfer him to the crib a few times. Grandmas love to try to get a baby to sleep in a crib. They've each been successful a time or two. I very much like our cuddling time though. And I like the amount of sleep I get.
The king-sized bed is part of our bedroom makeover. We decorated every other room in the house before Eli showed up. We hadn't been able to decide what to do with the room. Finally, a few weeks ago we decided to sell all of the existing furniture (mostly antiques with sustained value) and buy crap from Ikea (sure to be worth half what we paid for it in a year). The trade down in furniture has helped to fund the makeover and Ikea stuff is really more functional and space efficient.
I've always hated white walls, but Kenny came up with this idea.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Video Friday: Moving!
On the move! from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
9 months in, 9 months out
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A Day in Eli's Life
A Day in Eli's Life from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
In other news- We are going to see my parents for thanksgiving in STL this week. I could not help but to think that this may be the first year that I have not used the words "going home". My home is in Chicago with my beautiful wife and baby. My Mom always told me that their home would always be my home. I understand now.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
3 years ago today, Kenny surprised me and took me out to the nicest restaurant we will ever go to and spent the most on a meal we will ever spend.
2 years ago today, we went to a cute BYOB restaurant near our first apartment in Chicago. We had moved to Chicago a few months before and had just gotten jobs.
1 year ago today, Kenny came home with the sad news about having lost his job. We decided to keep our dinner reservations because I was pregnant, and we knew this would be the last time we’d be able to go out on our anniversary without arranging for babysitters and such for a long time.
Today, I’m going to go home after work and try to get Eli to go to sleep before his wonderful babysitters come. Then we’re going to go out to somewhere special Kenny has picked out. This will be the 4th date (if you count two weddings) since Eli was born. Those other years he was just my husband. This year I watched him become a father.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Video Tuesday: Long Distance Grandparenting
Long Distance Grandparenting from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Month 8
Crazy 8
He expresses joy with his entire body. He opens his mouth for big, big smiles, flaps his arms and legs, and squeals. When he sees me, he often starts panting. It's possible he hangs out with puppies too much. We kiss him lots and he's started returning the favor. At least I think he's trying to return the favor. He puts his open wet mouth on our faces and holds it there for a moment or two.
Speaking of his mouth, he is up to 4 teeth--his bottom middle two and the two next to the top middles ones. We're pretty sure he's working on about 4 more.
We've more fully committed to this whole solid food eating business. We kept forgetting for a while. Does that make us bad parents? His favorite is plums. On the train ride back from St. Louis on Sunday we let him try a wee piece of his first cheese--Tillamook cheddar. He approached it with much wonder, as one would expect. He also had his first meat this weekend, chicken with apple compote. We make most of his food but opted to purchase the liquid meat.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Video Tuesday: Get Leroy!
LEROY! from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Video Tuesday: Jump!
Eli Jump Up from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Video Tuesday: Like a G6
It came on the radio twice when I was in the car. The song has been in my head since. Well I had do the only think I could think of. Sit Eli down and play him the video. I recorded it for your enjoyment. Eli was shocked and appalled.
Like a G6 from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Video Tuesday: Peas
peas from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Seven months, oh my
Month 7
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Video Tuesday: Eli in C minor
Eli in C minor from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Redefining okay
Sunday, September 12, 2010
These are the people in your neighborhood
Monday, September 06, 2010
Saturday, September 04, 2010
The next 8 years.
- Graduated from college.
- Moved to Washington, DC.
- Survived my going to grad school.
- Had our first and second and maybe even third real jobs.
- Traveled to Las Vegas, Chicago, NYC, Philly, Costa Rica, Spain, Williamsburg, Breckenridge, and Portland.
- Gotten married.
- Taken planes, trains, buses, and automobiles to Kansas City and St. Louis one million times.
- Adopted Jack.
- Moved to Chicago.
- Adopted Leroy.
- Bought a loft and a condo.
- Evicted a tenant.
- Had a baby!
- Lost two of my grandparents.
- Seen Megan and Andrew, Carri and Derek, Sutton and John, Amy and Patrick, and Lindsey and TJ get married.
- Hosted six seders.
- Consumed approximately 500 bottles of wine.
- Take (swing) dance lessons.
- Travel to the south of France.
- Take Eli to a water park.
- Have another baby.
- Start canning.
- Make cheese.
- Remodel two bathrooms.
- At least one of us get their dream job.
- Take Eli to the Magic House and Grant's Farm in St. Louis.
- Take Eli to Kaleidoscope in KC.
- Go on a weekend getaway leaving munchkin(s) with a grandparent.
- Make friends with people who own a boat.
- Sell a loft and a condo.
Year Eight
Year eight has been the biggest of our lives. We no longer consider each other the most important person in each others life. I still cook for you. We have never been happier or more tired.
After you get marred I think you have a tendency to overlook your dating anniversary. I don't think I ever will. I was already head-over-heals for Emily when she finally say yes to a date. Eight years ago we became us. Little did we know that was the first day of the rest of out lives. Worth celebrating, no?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Video Tuesday: Throwback!
This week we will be looking back in time to when Eli was just a week or so old and comparing it to the present. Enjoy!
Throwback: Bedtime! from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Bed Time! from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Time for Solids!
For someone that has only had substance that his mother provides solid food is a big deal. So we did what any self-respecting parents would do, over documented it. I don't fully expect anyone to watch all four videos. Well, I do expect the Grandma's to, but the rest of you are free to browse.
First Food: Try One from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
First Food: Try Two from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
First Food: Try Three. from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
First Food: The Clean Up. from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
1/2 Year Old!
He got TWO teeth, which is two more than he needs in my opinion. His overall mood has improved greatly since they finally cut through though. We’re done with that now, right?
He’s become a bit more attached to Kenny and I and a bit wearier of outsiders. He’s generally happy to grin at people across the room while in our arms, but hand him over and he often makes them feel like they smell bad or something. We did test him in that area quite a bit though this month. He’s seen all of his grandparents and even made it to the West coast.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Video Tuesday: Rise of a Hungry Boy!
Times to eats! from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
No more. from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
I have gone back and added Labels to all the month photos. I know welcome to bloging. So now everyone can go back as see all the month photos on one page!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Let's all move to Oregon
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Introducing Video Tuesday!
Moving: An Update. from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Deciduous Tooth
Teething is not fun. For him or us.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
A new cry
Friday, July 30, 2010
Standing Around
Standing Around from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Also If you are not on the Daily Eli, you should be. You could have gotten this photo in your email today. Hope all have a good weekend.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Ah, traveling with an infant
I wrote half this post two weeks ago, thought I'd go ahead and finish it.
I was not at all concerned about traveling with an infant when I made my reservation. I always under-pack. Whereas most people are afraid they are going to forget something they need, I am usually afraid of carrying something I might not need. I’m usually also afraid of getting to the airport too early. If I can walk up to the gate as they are boarding my section, I consider the venture a success. Things were a bit different this time.
I did manage to pack pretty lightly. I had a baby, a bjorn, a diaper bag, and a rolling carry-on bag. The de-bjorning and re-bjorning to get through security was a bit tricky. Everybody’s advice before the trip was to nurse through take-off and landing and to bring a change of clothes for myself. Many people told me to bring a change of shirt for myself because apparently blow-outs are very common . My baby doesn’t poop though, so that was not a problem.
The journey to DC was fairly uneventful. Security was predictably difficult but people were uber understanding and several let me cut and lifted and pushed my bags without even asking. We had a 30 minute delay once we got on the plane, but Eli thought that would just be an awesome time to take a nap. He thought most of the flight was an awesome time to take a nap in fact. My cheapness led me to choose a flight into one of the less convenient airports. We took a bus to a train to get into the city and went straight to happy hour to meet up with friends. Though Eli has been to bars before, this was his first happy hour experience and he didn't totally catch on to the "happy" part.
I volunteered Megan and I to get the wine for Molly's party. A task that I thought would take about 2 hours. Between stopping to feed us, feed the babies, and a series of other seemingly minor tasks the outing lasted more like 4 or 5 hours. Oops! Oh, and Eli was pretty much just pissed off throughout because I was just not managing to get him his naps and eatings at the right times. I was used to the delays that a baby causes. Much like we were surprised to find out that having two dogs is actually twice the work of having one dog, I was surprised to find that two babies meant twice the delays of one baby. Who knew? The image of Megan and I trekking around DC with babies strapped to our chests, umbrellas, and heavy shopping bags will stay with me for quite some time though.
The shower and bachelorette party were a huge success. We hosted the shower in our hotel room. Everybody fit, the babies obliged, games were played, many bottles of wine were consumed, and it was hard to get people out of the room and onto the bar for the next segment of the night. Two friends were kind enough to babysit because nothing makes a bachelorette party more lame than when two of the hostesses bring their babies to the bars.
Some really awesome friends managed to borrow a car seat so that they could drive Eli and I to the airport on Sunday. Eli slept most of the way there. Things were looking good. And then. I got to the airport check-in counter. The nice man there was unable to find my ticket with my ID. He asked for my itinerary thingy, and it was then that he pointed out my ticket back to Chicago was for the day before. Straight out of an anxiety dream. I just stood there in disbelief. What? No. What? There, written clear as day on my itinerary it said Saturday. Massive fail. He said there were only two more flights to Chicago that night and they both said they were oversold. He got me on standby and told me that if I did not get on one of those tonight he would see me in the morning as he would be the one working then too. I told him I sincerely hoped I would not see him tomorrow. He took pity on me and waived the fee because Southwest is nice. In a state of shock I sort of ran through security too frazzled to figure out if I had a lot or little time to get to the gate. Eli started screaming as if on cue and the airport lady let us go ahead to the front of the line. I called Kenny on the verge of tears and told him we might not make it home that night. I got to the gate and realized we had almost two hours until our first chance at a flight. Eli stepped up and decided to be in an excellent mood while we waited. He ate, he slept, he made adorable sounds. Predictably, we did not make it onto the first flight. I called Molly and started figuring out how I'd get to her house and get to the airport the next morning. When they began boarding for the second flight I got cautiously optimistic when he described the flight as "full" and not "completely full" as he had the previous flight. I changed Eli's diaper and packed us up for the 3rd or 4th time that evening. We headed to the ticket counter and Eli growled and grunted (but in a happy way) as we waited for the guy to figure out if we could get on. He handed me a boarding pass, and I nearly jumped over the counter to kiss him. I couldn't stop smiling as I boarded, and was not at all unhappy to get one of the few remaining seats which was of course a middle seat. Eli rested his feet on the nice man to our left for the majority of the flight. He only screamed during the descent--probably because his little ears hurt.
After we landed a lady in the row behind asked if she could help by holding the baby while I gathered our things. I gladly handed Eli over to the stranger because I am an awesome mom like that. She did assure me she didn't have a cold or anything. It's just really hard to safely pack up a diaper bag and put on a Bjorn while holding a baby.
Kenny picked us up at the airport. He made me drive home because he missed his little man and wanted to sit in the back seat with him.