Tuesday, February 09, 2010

39 weeks..not for the faint of heart

So I've figured out why the baby hasn't come out yet. It's too busy eating.

I'm sparing you the pictures from the other side featuring angry red lines.

We went to the midwife today. I'm bigger (clearly). Baby is bigger. Baby will be born no later than March 2nd. I have a March 1st 8:00 pm room reservation at the hospital in case we haven't seen any action by then. I'm hoping very much for a February baby.

Kenny made me Jell-o last night. He added the hot water and then said, "and this is when you would add the alcohol." Pretty sure it's the first time he's made Jell-o that wasn't in shot form.


  1. You look great. You'll do great.
    Remember, our birthdays in March mean one thing: Easter egg Jello shots.

  2. baby, mimi wants to meet you nooooooooooooooow!!!
