Thursday, July 01, 2010


What is parenthood like you ask? It all about thinking on your feet. You have to work out problems fast or keep guessing when you have no idea what to do next. Yesterday I had a problem that I feel perfectly exemplifies my life right now.
Dad! I need water. WATER! I will throw a fit in about 10 seconds and wake up the sleeping baby!

Leroy! Come here boy! (Give dog MY glass of water) Problem Solved.

So after I fixed that problem I realized I had a different problem. I was dehydrated and had nothing to drink and I was stuck with a sleeping baby on my lap. 
Like I said. This is my life. I give everything I have to all my boys. Unconditional love. Parenthood.

1 comment:

  1. unconditional is drinking the water after Leroy! HA HA
