Saturday, April 03, 2010

Eli Sleepy Time

Do you know what a good boy Eli is?

Our good friend Lindsey came from DC to meet Eli. As all miracles would have it her flight in to Chicago on United was 30 minutes early! Most of the time she never makes it or is four hours late. She is staying with another good friend of ours, but we will be hanging out most of the weekend.

We went out to a wine bar to have some light food and drinks. (Yes we take Eli to go get drinks. This was his second bar!) The food was good, the service kinda sucked, but most importantly Eli napped the whole time. He had been cranky for the last hour and I was literally walking up and down the street with him, but the moment we walked in to the bar he fell asleep.

He did not wake up until 3 1/2 hours later. We had been home for close to an hour already. He needed to be change before bed so I sent Emily to bed and I watched the lit' man snore.

Eli Sleepy time from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.


  1. He has changed alot since Monday!! Miss him SO much.

  2. Is anyone sure that none of us slipped him any wine to keep him asleep? :) I had such a great time with all 3 of you and miss you already! When can I come back? ;)
