Saturday, June 26, 2010
A Letter
I had sent the White House a birth announcement in the hopes that I would get a return and we did! Thanks to Whitney for the idea! You can click on the photo below to read the letter.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Reading Time!
Reading from Kenton Kodner on Vimeo.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My Big Boy
The monkey is 4 months old today and has gotten huge! He's practically a boy. We're guessing that today he weighs 13 pounds even, making him twice his birth weight.
1/3 a Year Old
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
a person that makes cheese
I went to the neighborhood market and Aldi's my two main ones. Neather had one of the things I was looking for, ricotta cheese. To hell with this I said, I can make some.
If you Google "a person that makes cheese" you will find out that person is a cheesemaker. Isn't that interesting? I was thinking of a cooler title like Sommelier for a wine expert, but I don't think one exists. So I am just going to have to refer to myself as a cheesemaker now.
It all worked out well and the ricotta was yummy.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Kodner Family
Emily and I love it! We can't wait to frame and hang it on the wall.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Handle with Care
Another Year Older
Patrick came over and watched Eli so we could go out an act like adults. I made him dinner. He did an excellent job and will be a very fine daddy come November.
Aunt Robin came a few days before my birthday. I think she fell in love.
We went to the zoo! Eli thought it was amazing!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
What were you doing at 3:30 this morning? I know what I was doing. I was sitting up in bed clapping and offering words of encouragement as my baby boy made his first real poop in 5 days.
And then I poked his father and told him he needed to be changed. His father argued with me making the same argument he always makes at night and apologizes for the next day, "you're already up." I slept for some precious minutes and then I am not really sure I slept again as the little monkey was up screaming about every 30 minutes after that.
Maybe the curry I ate last night was a poor choice after all.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Eli the Human Claw Vending Machine
When I went to go see what they were doing Eli looked up at me and yanked my glass's off my face. This was a first. Eli has held a few things and likes to hold on to my collar when in the Bjorn, but he has never just reached out and grab an object before. This time it made me happy. The next I will not think its so cute.
Today I walked Eli over to the counter and let his hand fall close to his binky. He picked it up all by himself! Life is funny. My boy can pick things up and I think its one of the coolest thing I have ever seen. In the long run this has to be a small milestone, but maybe that what life is really about.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Having A Field Day
Apparently 52 days a year you can go to the Field Museum for free. Some of the days are free because Target donated lots of money. The others, I think are just free. In fact all of the Chicago museums have free days. Today was one of them, so off we went!
Eli, Sue, and me! Things went very well. Eli was a bit overwhelmed with all of the new things that he got to look at.
Eli and his mummy. Get it! Mummy! We did ancient Egypt first.
The Bushman. This was just after we got a fresh diaper. I was so looking forward to changing it. Truly. I knew they would have a family bathroom with a changing table. For those of you that don't have kids, one day you will know the joy of the public bathroom changing table.
Eli got very tiered from all of the walking around. This is him lounging in a nice chair he found.
A Native American Bjorn. I met a nice volunteer that was telling me all about it. The red bar is to protect the baby from suffocation if the board would flip over when the women were working in the field.
Nap time! (Edit: We also saw Aunt Amy and Eli was very sad that he slept through it.)
After we woke up we learned about DNA.
Then it was on to evolution and simple plants. I loved this diagram. In fact, we used this time to talk about Aunt Robin.
Robin is coming to visit next week. (We think? Robin, email me. love you) Eli wanted to have something to talk to her about. She is a scientist and has done a lot of research on algae, so we learned all about it.
Here is some more algae in a completely different place.
Fossilized Algae. Robin's expertise. Did you know that algae is Latin for seaweeds?
This was the hand drier of death. This sucker scared Eli more than evolution. He did not like evolution, but this was like THE WORST THING EVER! Kinda like a jet going off.
After about 2.5 hours we were done. Could not look at anything else. Also we were very hungry. We went to Potbelly's and Eli hung out on the table. In the middle of eating, a woman walked in wearing a t-shirt that said, " I only kiss Cardinal fans". Eli was waring his Cardinal hat so I yelled out, "Excuse me. He would like a kiss." We both had a good laugh.
All in all we had a very fun day. Maybe next week we will hit up Science and Industry. It is free after all.
My baby has taken to occasionally sleeping in his crib all by himself. Previously all naps occurred on one of us, in the Bjorn, or sometimes swaddled on the couch. We had a friend over for dinner Saturday night. I swaddled him and nursed him down. He stayed asleep in his room for five hours. Kenny and I both had hands for 5 hours, and it was bizarre. We were serving corn on the cob and I was sure one of us was going to have to cut it off the cob for the other. I only checked on him about 10 times. Yes, we have a monitor. No, I do not trust it. Yes, I stand there and watch him until I can detect his chest rising and falling and I am sure he is still breathing.
Further calling into question Eli’s maternity, he is totally a morning person. He wakes up around 6:00 and begins his calisthenics. He kinds of looks like he’s marching or cheerleading—but laying down. He spends a good 10 minutes smiling and flirting with the air vents in the ceiling as they are hilarious. Eventually he will decide it is time to go walk his puppies and will pitch a fit until Kenny shows up with the Bjorn and leashes.
I’m in no way biased, but I am pretty sure my baby is way advanced. He’s got the neck strength of a wrestler. He has been successfully flipping over for a few weeks now. He can do front to back and back to front. When he does back to front he can’t quite drag one of his arms out of the way so he gets pretty upset about that. He can also stand with a little bit of support. I credit the months of preparatory kicking he did in the womb. Those legs came out strong and he hasn’t stopped kicking or flailing since.